A COMPILATION of RESEARCH & PUBLISHED PAPERS regarding DOUBLE HELIX Water also known as stable water clusters
“To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science.” — Albert Einstein
The following is a list of papers on Stable Water Clusters, the active ingredient in Double Helix Water.
Double Helix Water is ultrapure water containing Stable Water Clusters (also referred to as Ie water or Ie Crystals). As the initial research into this phenomenon was primarily industrial in nature, some of these papers are not medical. However, all have been included here for those who are interested.
A Soft Matter State of Water and the Structures it Forms. Lo, A, Cardella, J., Turner, J. & Lo, S.Y. (2012). Forum on Immunopathological Diseases and Therapeutics, 3(3-4):237-252.
Description of the formation of Stable Water Clusters
Anomalous State of Ice. Lo, S.L. (1996) Originally Published in Modern Physics Letters B, 10(19):909-919.
Introduces the concept of the Stable Water Cluster and the mathematical model behind it.
Atomic Force Microscopy of Adsorbates from IE Solutions. Magonov, S.N. (1998). Physical, Chemical and Biological Properties of Stable Water Clusters, Proceedings of the First International Symposium: 91-101.
Introduces the photography of Stable Water Clusters using an atomic force microscope. This paper contains some of the first photographs taken of SWC’s.
Case Study of Autistic Subjects with Stable Water Clusters in Panama. Velasquez, R., Chu, H. & Lo, S.Y. (2012) Forum on Immunopathological Diseases and Therapeutics, 3(3-4):267-280.
Discusses the treatment of Autism using Double Helix Water
Dielectric Characteristics of Highly Diluted Aqueous Diclofenac Solutions in the Frequency Range of 20 Hz to 10 MHz. V. I. Lobyshev. (2019). Physics of Wave Phenomena, 27:119–127.
Dielectric Spectral Study in Low Frequency of IE Water and Some Other Solvents. Li, W., Lai, T., Li, H. & Lo, S.Y. (1998). Physical, Chemical and Biological Properties of Stable Water Clusters, Proceedings of the First International Symposium: 65-80.
This paper uses an analytical technique called Dielectric Spec to compare a solution of Ultra-Pure Water containing Stable Water Clusters against other solutions, including normal water, a number of different solvents and an ionic solution.
The most interesting point is:
Dielectric spectra provide a reasonable picture to classify the ionic, polar and non-polar solution. IE water [the solution of Stable Water Clusters] belongs to polar solutions where molecules have permanent electric dipole moments.
Effect of IE Crystal Water on Enzyme Activity: Christoserdova, L. & Lidstrom, M.E. (1998) Physical, Chemical and Biological Properties of Stable Water Clusters, Proceedings of the First International Symposium:184-189.
An experiment with the use of a solution of Stable Water Clusters and various commercial enzymes with some potential medical implications.
Effect of IE Solutions on Enzymes and Microbial Cells. Sinitsyn, A.P., Berson, O. & Lo, S.L. (1998) Physical, Chemical and Biological Properties of Stable Water Clusters, Proceedings of the First International Symposium:191-206.
Outlines a series of experiments with the production of various enzymes, bacteria and fungi used in the microbiology industry.
Electric Dipole Aggregated In Very Dilute Polar Liquids: Theory and Experimental Evidence. Yinnon, T.A. & Yinnon, C. A. (2011). International Journal of Modern Physics B, 25(28):3707-3743.
Electromagnetic Information Delivery as a New Tool in Translational Medicine. Alberto, F., Mario, L., Sara., P., Settimio, G. & Antonella, L. (2014). International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 15;7(9):2550-6.
Evidence for the Existence of Stable-Water-Clusters at Room Temperature and Normal Pressure. Lo, S.Y., Geng, X. & Gann, D. (2009) Physics Letters A, 377(39):2826-2827.
Clearly lays out an experiment showing the methods of producing Stable Water Clusters, as well as some analytical methods to show that what has been produced are indeed stable water clusters.
Experimental Evidence of Stable Aggregates of Water at Room Temperature and Normal Pressure After Iterative Contact with a Nafion® Polymer Membrane. Elia, V., Ausanio, G., De Ninno, A., Gentile, F., Germano, R., Napoli, E. & Niccoli, M. (2013) Water Journal - Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 5:16-26.
Experimental Evidence of Stable Water Nanostructures in Extremely Dilute Solutions, at Standard Pressure and Temperature. Elia, V., Ausanio, G., Gentile, F., Germano, R., Napoli, E. & Niccoli, M. (2014). Homeopathy, 103(1):44-50.
Experimental Study of Saturated Pool Boiling Heat Transfer of IE Water. Wang, C. (1998) Physical, Chemical and Biological Properties of Stable Water Clusters, Proceedings of the First International Symposium:149-164.
Outlines a study on the effect of solutions containing stable water clusters used as a coolant. Results showed considerable increase of heat transfer and cooling capabilities in comparison to that found with “normal” water.
Formation of Nanoassociates as a Key to Understanding of Physicochemical and Biological Properties of Highly Dilute Aqueous Solutions. Konovalov, A.I. & Ryzhkina, I.S. (2014). Russian Chemical Bulletin, 63:1-14.
Induction and Regulation of Human Peripheral Blood TH1-TH2 Derived Cytokines by IE Water Preparations and Synergy with Mitogens. Bonavida, B. & Gan, X.H. (1998) Physical, Chemical and Biological Properties of Stable Water Clusters, Proceedings of the First International Symposium:167-183.
This paper is the first published which looked at the possible effect of stable water clusters on human blood. Specifically, it looked at effects on various functions of the Immune System. A laymen’s description of the results can be found here: Immune System and Double Helix Water
Inelastic Neutron Scattering Techniques and its Application to IE Water. Wang, Y & Li, J.C. (1998) Physical, Chemical and Biological Properties of Stable Water Clusters, Proceedings of the First International Symposium:81-90.
Large Supramolecular Water Clusters Caught on Camera - A Review. Ho M-W. (2014) Water Journal - Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 6:1-12.
On the Stability of Extremely Diluted Aqueous Solutions at High Ionic Strength: A Calorimetric Study at 298 K. Elia, V., Napoli, E. & Niccoli, M. (2008). Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 92:643-648.
Oncological Hyperthermia as an Adjuvant Treatment in Advanced Stages of Lung Cancer. Hilu, R., Martinez-Penalver, F. & Martinez-Canca, J. (2012) Forum on Immunopathological Diseases and Therapeutics, 3(3-4):261-265.
A study of three cases of patients with Advanced Stages of Lung Cancer explaining the treatment received and the results obtained.
Onsager’s Formula, Conductivity, and Possible New Phase Transition. Lo, S.Y. & Wenchong, Li. (1999). Modern Physics Letters B, 13(25):885-893.
Permanent Dissipative Structures in Water: The Matrix of Life? Experimental Evidences and their Quantum Origin. Elia, V., Germano, R. & Napoli, E. (2015). Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 15(6).
Physical Properties of Water with IE Structures. Lo, S.Y., Lo, A., Chong, L.W., Tianzhang, L., Hua Hua, L. & Geng, X. (1996). Modern Physics Letters B, 10(19):921-930.
Possible Mechanisms of Formation and Stability of Anomalous States of Water. Wong, C.Y. & Lo, S.Y. (1998) Physical, Chemical and Biological Properties of Stable Water Clusters, Proceedings of the First International Symposium:48-64.
Properties of Supramolecular Nanoassociates Formed in Aqueous Solutions of Biologically Active Compounds in Low or Ultra-Low Concentrations. Ryzhkina, I.S., Murtazina, L.I., Kiseleva, Y.V. & Konovalov, A.I. (2009). Doklady Physical Chemistry, 428(4):487-491.
Stable Water Clusters-Mediated Molecular Alterations in Human Melanoma Cell Lines. Bonavida, B. & Baritaki, S. (2012) Forum on Immunopathological Diseases and Therapeutics, 3(3-4):253-259.
An Invitro Study on the effect of Stable Water Clusters (SWC’s) on certain Melanoma Cells as well as the effect of SWC’s on gene expression of healthy cells.
Stable Water Clusters, Meridians, and Health: Lo, S.Y. (2012) Forum on Immunopathological Diseases and Therapeutics, 3(3-4):193-219.
Description of the use of Stable Water Clusters in Chinese Medicine.
Super-Conducting Liquid Crystalline Water Aligned with Collagen Fibres in the Fascia as Acupuncture Meridians of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Ho, M.-W. (2012) Forum on Immunopathological Diseases and Therapeutics, 3(3-4):221-236.
Suppression of Coke Formation in the Steam Cracking of Alkanes, Ethane and Propane. Chan, K.Y.G., Inal, F. & Senkan, S. (1998) Physical, Chemical and Biological Properties of Stable Water Clusters, Proceedings of the First International Symposium:105-123.
Surface Solution and Liquid Properties of IE Water. Christian, S.D., Scamehorn, J.F., Tabatabai, A. & Berson, O. (1998) Physical, Chemical and Biological Properties of Stable Water Clusters, Proceedings of the First International Symposium:135-148.
Survey of Ie Clusters. Lo, S.Y. (1998) Physical, Chemical and Biological Properties of Stable Water Clusters, Proceedings of the First International Symposium:3-47.
Discusses some of the properties of Stable Water Clusters as well as some of the potential areas of application covering: Physical Processes, Descaling/Cleaning, Chemical Processes, Enhancement of combustion, Reduction of coke formation in ethylene production, Biotechnology, Regulation of enzymatic activities and microbial growth, Stimulation of immune responses to infection and cancer.
The Trail from Quantum Electro Dynamics to Informative Medicine. Foletti, A., Ledda, M., Grimaldi, S., D'Emilia, E., Giuliani, L., Liboff, A. & Lisi, A. (2015). Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 34(2):147-50.
Use of IE Water for the Mitigation of Calcium Carbonate Scaling. Parsons, S.A., Sanchez, G. & Diaper, C. (1998) Physical, Chemical and Biological Properties of Stable Water Clusters, Proceedings of the First International Symposium:124-134.
Water and Water Clusters in Biological Systems. Laurson, P. & Maeorg, U. (2015). Argonomy Research, 13(5):1253-1259.
Water Clusters in Life. Lo, S.Y., Li, W.C. & Huang, S.H. (2000). Medical Hypotheses, 54(6):948-953.
Water’s Quantum Structures and Life. Germano, R. (2015). Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 34(2):133-7.

“ ... demonstration of microscopic clusters in water is groundbreaking and revolutionary. I had the privilege of testing some of the earliest clustered water and found statistically significant improvement in basic immune function. Their further refined products are even more exciting.”
— C. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD
President at Holos Institute of Health, Inc.
Professor Emeritus of Energy Medicine
Holos University Graduate Seminary
Founding President, American Holistic Medical Association