“My name is Peter and I am 67yrs. old and I have been a builder for almost 50 yrs.
It is my lively hood and my passion, but about 2 yrs ago, I was diagnosed with gout.
My foot would swell double in size and the pain was unbearable. Because of this, I was unable to walk or work for days at a time until the swelling went down. My gout affected me physically and mentally.
Just after two weeks of drinking the double helix water, I noticed a difference in my foot. Now it has been two months and the swelling is gone done dramatically.
My foot is not inflamed and I am able to be on my feet for up to 10-12 hrs a day again.
I believe that my symptoms from the gout have been cured since I began drinking the double helix water and will continue taking double helix to live a pain free life!”
— Peter